Our server hosting services:
-Up to 4GB memory and 8GB swapfile (for fallback)
-2 opened ports (if needed)
-You will receive the creator rank on your server/lobby
-Must use the P,MOD,ADMIN,CREATOR rank system
-You may not NOT use vote system! (/vote)
-Must not use obfuscated plugins! (Every file is checked before uploaded)
-Must use non-cracked/nulled plugins (They are risky and also we do not encourage pirating plugins!!)
-Must use ppb plugin with offline mode
-Must use our bungeecord login/services (also do NOT use Authme or other shitty protection plugins, they can be bypassed by ease, we have a much secure login system)
For now player servers are limited, we are accepting only unique entries. For more information: https://discord.gg/4DAWE3tgE7.
Tell us about your server plan, how would your server look like, what features should it have. Planning if the first!
For more information: discord.gg/4DAWE3tgE7